Somatic Shifts Begin With Awareness. A yoga practice becomes somatic when it deeply involves the internal experience of the body, emphasizing bodily sensations, awareness, and internal movements rather than focusing solely on external forms and alignments. Somatic yoga is grounded in the understanding of somatics, which is the study ofContinue Reading

Harnessing the New Moon Energy this May begins with understanding The Power of the New Moon. Each new moon brings with it a chance for renewal and fresh starts. For yogi householders, the new moon in May presents a unique opportunity to harness this celestial energy to rejuvenate their spiritualContinue Reading

Reset, Refresh, and Embrace the Seasonal Energies with Warrior 1 Yoga Pose this week. As we approach the summer solstice, the energy of transformation and renewal permeates the air. It’s the perfect time to embrace the rejuvenating power of yoga and reconnect with our inner strength and vitality. Warrior 1Continue Reading

Celebrating the Divine Feminine is about Embracing Spiritual Connection on Mother’s Day, and every day. You see, Mother’s Day is more than a celebration of mothers—it’s a profound opportunity to honor the divine feminine energy that exists within us all, regardless of gender. The divine feminine represents nurturing, intuition, empathy,Continue Reading

To Unlock the Dynamic Energy of the Crescent Lunge Pose, we lean in to its energy, symbolism and health benefits. The Crescent Lunge pose, or Anjaneyasana, is a foundational stance in yoga that offers a blend of stretching, strengthening, and energizing effects. Often included in both Hatha and Vinyasa yoga sequences,Continue Reading