Yoga is About Union—And That Includes Walking. It’s  more than just poses on a mat—it’s about the union of mind, body, and spirit. This sense of integration applies to everything we do, including something as simple and fundamental as walking. Walking, like yoga, can be a meditative practice when doneContinue Reading

There are a lot of fantastic things to know about Garland Pose (Malasana). Today, we’re going to lean into the  Energy, Applications, and Symbolism of this foundational yoga posture that offers a wide range of benefits for both the body and mind. This deep squat position is more than justContinue Reading

Celebrating International Day of Friendship: A Yogic Perspective for the Householder Path. Celebrated annually on July 30th, is a beautiful reminder of the importance of fostering and nurturing friendships. For those on the Householder Path in yoga, this day provides a unique opportunity to deepen connections, promote harmony, and spreadContinue Reading

Demystifying Common Meditation Practices just requires a little context to go with the content you see. Have you ever noticed how certain words or themes can really turn you on or off to certain ideas or practices altogether? This reaction is common, and it’s important to remember that many concepts inContinue Reading