Unfamiliar realities breed rare obstacles and previously unimagined opportunities. Right now, we, across the world, have the unique experience of sharing in the unexpected.  We’re all justifying to figure it out, navigating one thing at a time. This shared perspective is a great occasion for love, humility, and connection. ThisContinue Reading

It’s time that we really accept that it’s okay when things don’t work out. Like most American mothers, I begin each day with a plan. I balance, direct, consider, streamline, and guide each thread of my life forward with consideration, and positivity. Most days, this is the only way IContinue Reading

Check out the Hindu system for exploring the 7 chakras and you. This is the #1 most used energetic chakra system in yoga. Healing yourself through chakra work can be pivotal and enlightening. Conceptually, every chakra is a spinning wheel of energy located near, in, or surrounding a specific areaContinue Reading

Personal yoga practice is created of layers that accommodate your core beliefs and infuse joy and purpose into your life. Yoga is a practice; however, your practice may look nothing like someone else’s, and it doesn’t have to. Defining your yoga is a process that takes time. As you walkContinue Reading