Meditation is considered an advanced yogic practice, often taught after other 6 limbs have been established. At the most basic, it is a practice of stilling still with self. Dhyana is meditation. Creating a personal meditation practice is not complicated. At first, start slow and easy; growing into your practiceContinue Reading

In the study of yoga, we are provided with 8 limbs that shape the path to enlightenment. To be whole, or to unite is yoga. Through practice, we “yoke.” The limbs are the steps in a life of meaning and purpose. As you learn and grow, these will remain significantContinue Reading

There are 6 traditional styles of yoga that have grown and evolved over time. Today, many other variations of yoga are practiced around the world. All forms remain based on these original concepts. In generally, classes routinely develop and adapt to modern life. A “Yogi” is a student of yoga,Continue Reading

Ethics guide the path of every yogi. It is a journey of principled movement. A lifestyle of truth. Without ethics, there is no path, no action, and no adventure. In the search for wholeness, we spring from a foundation. Ten core principles steer the yogic way of life. Undoubtedly, itContinue Reading

In essence, a mantra is a sacred utterance that harnesses sound energy. It is the utterance of words or sounds with meditative concentration through repetition. The words themselves are an instrument of the mind. In each, powerful psychological and/or spiritual vibrations offer passage to enter a deep meditative state. InContinue Reading