In wellness businesses, there are many ways spirituality helps your business thrive. Use your inner resources to attract greater business success. In total, it’s a natural extension to build your business around the core values that you yourself uphold.  Number crunching and data analysis are helpful, but you have soContinue Reading

What is the next step, the next best and right action that moves you forward? You already know the answer. It’s in there somewhere and your highest self is simply waiting for you to tune in and listen. Admittedly, there is always a lot to do. The student within isContinue Reading

Ask yourself, “How are you serving yourself best?” Honor your energy as a human being. You’re doing a lot, and it’s all pretty freaking great, but take the time that it takes to notice how whatever you’re doing is serving you best, or not. Self-care isn’t a concept that weContinue Reading