Moon Water

Moon Water: Methods, Philosophies, and How-To Guide. Essentially, it is a mystical and spiritual practice that has been embraced by various cultures and traditions for centuries. It involves infusing water with the energy of the moon, typically during specific lunar phases. In doing so, creating  a charged elixir that can be used for a variety of spiritual, healing, and ritualistic purposes. Here’s an overview of the methods, underlying philosophies, and a quick guide on how to make your own moon water.

Philosophies Behind Moon Water

  1. Lunar Energy
    •  Many cultures believe that the moon, particularly when full, holds significant energetic properties. The moon is often associated with femininity, intuition, emotion, and psychic abilities. Infusing water with lunar energy is thought to harness these qualities, providing a tool for spiritual cleansing, healing, and manifestation.
  2. Ritual and Intention
    •  The act of making moon water is a ritualistic practice that emphasizes the power of intention. By setting specific intentions while preparing moon water, individuals believe they can charge the water with their thoughts and desires, making it a potent tool for achieving personal goals.
  3. Healing Properties
    •  Moon water is often used in various healing and cleansing rituals. It is believed to absorb the soothing qualities of the moon, aiding in emotional balance, physical well-being, and spiritual clarity.

How to Make Moon Water

Materials Needed:

  • A clear glass jar or container
  • Natural spring or filtered water
  • Optional: Crystals, herbs, or essential oils (ensure they are safe for use in water)


  1. Choose the Lunar Phase
    •  Full moon is the most popular time for making moon water due to its strong energy, but new moons, waxing, or waning moons are also powerful times, depending on the intended use of the water. Full moon water is typically used for charging and manifesting, while new moon water might be used for setting intentions and starting anew.
  2. Prepare Your Container
    •  Clean your glass jar thoroughly. If you’re using crystals or herbs, cleanse them as well to ensure they’re free of prior energies. Place them inside the jar if desired.
  3. Fill With Water
    •  Next, fill the jar with natural spring or filtered water. Tap water can be used, but it’s less ideal due to potential impurities and chemicals.
  4. Set Your Intention
    1.  While filling the jar, focus on a specific intention or wish you want the moon water to assist with. This could be anything from love and happiness to clarity and strength. Then, hold the jar and verbalize or think deeply about your intention.
  5. Place Under the Moonlight
    •  Afterwards, place your jar outside in a spot where it will receive ample moonlight. Ideally, it should sit out from dusk until dawn.
  6. Collect
    • Lastly, retrieve your jar at sunrise. If you enhance them with crystals, remove and dry them.
  7. Store
    • Store the water in a cool, dry place. It can be used to water plants, in baths, for cleansing crystals, in rituals, or as a drink. However, if consuming, ensure all ingredients are safe for ingestion and the water is clean.

Usage Tips

  • Moon water can be used to cleanse spaces by sprinkling it around a room or wiping surfaces.
  • It can be added to bath water for a spiritually cleansing and refreshing bath.
  • Some use it to anoint themselves, their magical tools, or their altar to enhance spiritual practices.

This practice combines the art of intention with the mystical qualities of the lunar cycle, providing a unique and personal way to engage with the rhythms of the cosmos. Whether for spiritual practice, ritualistic use, or personal healing, moon water offers a versatile and powerful tool to enhance one’s spiritual journey.


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Thank you for joining me on this journey into Moon Water. In the end, I hope you found today’s insights valuable and inspiring.

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