Today, we’re going to pull our awareness to the task of journaling for integration. There is so much stimulation to take in from the world. It’s constant. Some of it exists naturally and a lot of it is completely engineered by society.  It stadily trickles into us and easily becomesContinue Reading

If you’re not already doing it, let’s get really clear about the many beneficial reasons to meditate. Meditation has existed for thousands of years, but it’s never been more popular than it is right now. And for good reason. Meditation provides many health and personal benefits. It’s simple, free, and canContinue Reading

Choice vs. chance, a moment of truth. When it comes to the way that you orient yourself with life, are you living in a way that’s based on choice or determined by chance? Are you relying on luck and random acts to determine what pans out for you? Or areContinue Reading

It’s time to consider changing the foods you eat and that doesn’t mean that it has to be a bummer. Instead, let’s get really excited about how changing up our diet can support all of our other self-care goals! Did you know that you can even gain quality sleep byContinue Reading

Integrate weekly air plant baths into a deeply thoughtful nature meditation. Forest bathing isn’t always an option, but air plant baths are a compelling, methodical task that you can bring right into your home. Ready to try? Let’s face it, from Tillandsias to Butzii, tending to your little beauties isContinue Reading