Life isn’t meant to stay compartmentalized, so we draw our awareness to the holistic view of layered living. When life seems like a never-ending task of unrelated chores, obligations, and activity, we must step back and realize that it IS all related. Take a step back, and visualize all theContinue Reading

Chronic pain isn’t an easy condition to handle, but you can take control back and find some relief. First things first, a positive mindset really can move mountains. We don’t always get to choose to be 100% pain-free but we can choose how we find balance. Chronic pain isn’t aContinue Reading

Teaching yoga is an art form, and that art takes many different shapes depending on the set, setting, and tone of your practice. Don’t get frustrated with your teaching journey if everyone else sort of perceives you as a super chill, rainbows and unicorns kind of person on the daily.Continue Reading

Pro garden tip: You can plant these insect repellent plants in your home & garden to create some low-key & pest-free relaxation vibes. Okay, maybe not completely pest-free, but the presence of these beauties can help you commune with nature a little more comfortably. Using these natural insect repellent plants for yourContinue Reading