I Don’t Chase, I Attract: Affirmations

I don’t chase I attract affirmations are our power offering to you in celebration Green Week here at at Light, Love, And Levity. Affirmations are a powerful tool that can help us tap into the excellent earth energy. Ground down into positivity and empowerment. Try repeating affirmations such as “I am connected to the earth and all living beings,” or “I am a steward of the planet, taking mindful actions to protect it,.” In doing so, we align ourselves with the values of environmental consciousness, sustainability, and reverence for nature. Statements like these remind us of our interconnectedness with the earth; inspiring mindful actions to protect and honor our planet. As we infuse our days with affirmations, we cultivate a deeper sense of appreciation and love for the earth. Then, this positive energy moves forward making positive impacts on our planet, in your life, and for the environment around us.

Uplifting Messages

Affirmations are a powerful tool that can be used as a grounding practice in yoga, specifically focusing on the root chakra. The root chakra, also known as the Muladhara chakra, is located at the base of the spine and is associated with feelings of stability, safety, and security. When this chakra is balanced, it helps us feel grounded, connected to the present moment, and supported in our physical and emotional well-being. The goal of using affirmations is to create more positive experiences in your daily life. Regardless of the focused topic of your simple affirmations, it is a practice of manifestation. 

How They Benefit You

Using positive affirmations is a great way to open ourselves up to more good things. They remind us that we are so worthy of love. This breeds space for embracing new ideas. Basically, by conditioning our brains to combat negative thoughts with positive ones, we retrain it to focus instead on unconditional love. We must start with clear intentions.  As a manifestation technique, they stem from a specific goal. In this, we go beyond generating good thoughts. We’re embracing our power using the universal law of attraction.  When we can come at this from a space of genuine love, all our small steps lead to positive changes. That’s what sets up us for  reaching our wildest dreams. Positive thoughts cultivate the best things that life wants to offer us. It’s a way of telling the universe that you are ready to recieve abundant blessings with open arms.

Manifestation Affirmations

Use positive statements, repeated consciously to create a desired outcome or belief. In yoga, affirmations reinforce a sense of stability and grounding, helping to activate and balance the root chakra. Here’s how to incorporate affirmations as a grounding method into your practice:

  1. Setting the Intention

    • Before beginning your yoga practice, take a moment to set the intention to work on grounding and balancing the root chakra. As with any practice, we always begin with a deep breath. You can silently or aloud state your intention, such as “I am grounded, safe, and secure” or “I am rooted like a tree, stable and supported.” In the beginning, you may find it helpful to set an insight timer. 
  2. Incorporating Affirmations in Asanas

    • As you move through your yoga practice, you can repeat affirmations in your mind while holding grounding poses that activate the root chakra, such as Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I), or Balasana (Child’s Pose). For example, as you hold Tadasana, you can repeat in your mind, “I am rooted to the Earth, strong and stable,” or “The Earth supports me beneath me.”
  3. Breathwork with Affirmations

    • Another way to incorporate affirmations as a grounding practice is to synchronize them with your breath. As you inhale, silently repeat a positive affirmation related to the root chakra, and as you exhale, let go of any tension or negativity. For example, you can inhale and say in your mind, “I am safe and secure,” and exhale, releasing any fear or anxiety.
  4. Meditation with Affirmations

    • You can incorporate affirmations into a grounding meditation at the end of your yoga practice. Find a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, and repeat intentions related to the root chakra, allowing the words to sink in deeply. You can use statements like “I am rooted in the present moment,.” “I am connected to the Earth’s energy,” or “I trust in the process of life.”

Remember that the key to using affirmations as a grounding practice in yoga is to focus on the present moment, bringing your awareness to the physical sensations in your body and the connection to the Earth. With regular practice, affirmations help balance the root chakra, promoting a sense of stability, security, and groundedness in your yoga practice and daily life.

Embody The Message

Affirmations can be a powerful way to embody the message “I don’t chase, I attract.” This affirmation focuses on not striving or chasing after things but instead allowing them to come naturally to you through attraction and alignment. Here are some affirmations that can help you embody this message:

Find Your Mantra

  1. “I trust in the flow of life, and opportunities come to me effortlessly.”
  2. “I am a magnet for all that is aligned with my highest good.”
  3. “I release the need to chase after things; instead, I easily attract them to me.”
  4. “I am in perfect alignment with the abundance of the Universe, and it naturally flows to me.”
  5. “I am a beacon of positive energy and attract all that resonates with my authentic self.”
  6. “I am worthy of receiving all that I desire, and it comes to me with divine timing.”
  7. “I surrender to the Universe and allow what is meant for me to effortlessly appear.”
  8. “I attract all that aligns with my highest purpose and let go of the need to chase after it.”
  9. “I trust that I am being guided towards what is best for my soul, and I attract it gracefully.”
  10. “I am in harmony with the natural flow of life, and I attract all that is meant for me effortlessly.”

Be Consistent

The key to using affirmations effectively is to repeat them with sincerity and belief and to integrate them into your daily practice. Regularly affirming positive messages to yourself can shift your mindset and energy to allowing and attracting rather than chasing or striving. This is how we usher in a more aligned and empowered way of life. It is my hope that you find ways to incorporate these into your personal development practice and deep dive into the power of positive self-talk. The world is indeed full of positive people and abundant opportunities, and embracing a positive mindset can help us tap into this abundance. Affirmations can play a crucial role in shifting our perspective and opening ourselves to new possibilities. By repeating affirmations that reflect positivity, self-worth, and abundance, we can rewire our mindset and beliefs to align with the reality we desire to create.

Create an Intentional Morning Routine

Affirmations can be a powerful tool to incorporate into your morning routine for personal growth and a positive mindset. By using affirmations, you can tap into your inner power, shape new thoughts, align with your ideal life, and cultivate new beliefs. Here’s how you can use affirmations related to different concepts in your morning routine:

  1. Inner power:

    • “I am confident and capable of achieving my goals.” “I have the strength and resilience to overcome any challenges.” “I trust in my abilities and make decisions with clarity and conviction.” “My inner power guides me towards success and fulfillment.”
  2. New Thoughts:

    • “I release old thought patterns that no longer serve me.” “I choose to focus on positive and empowering thoughts.” “I attract uplifting and inspiring ideas into my mind.” “My thoughts shape my reality, and I choose to create a positive one.”
  3. Ideal life

    • “I am worthy of living my ideal life.” “I create a life that aligns with my passions and values.” “I deserve abundance in all areas of my life.” “I am manifesting my dreams into reality with ease and grace.”
  4. New Beliefs:

    • “I let go of limiting beliefs and embrace empowering ones.” “I believe in my worth and capabilities.” “I am open to new beliefs that support my growth and well-being.” “I trust positive beliefs’ power to shape my reality.”

Repeat these affirmations with intention and conviction and feel the emotions associated with them. Incorporating affirmations related to inner power, new thoughts, ideal life, or new beliefs into your morning routine sets a positive tone for the day. It aligns your mindset with the life you want to create.

Final Thoughts 

Chasing desires leads to frustration and attachment to outcomes. That creates resistance and hinders  progress. Instead, I’ve learned to use affirmations as a powerful tool to attract what I desire. By affirming desires in the present tense, such as “I am worthy of love and abundance” or “I attract opportunities for success,” thoughts, emotions, and beliefs align desires. Affirmations help me cultivate a positive and abundant mindset. They all me to release any limiting beliefs or doubts. Best of all, they help me open myself up to receiving what I desire with ease and flow. I trust in the power of affirmations to shift my energy. I use them to align me with my desires, and manifest them into my reality.  In this, I’m attracting what is already mine. Don’t be afraid to use vision boards, mantra and meditation to create powerful results for yourself. Good Luck! 

Want to Learn More, VISIT:

What Is Mantra? 

Or, Check out An Online Course:

Gaia Synergy

1 Comment

  1. Very nice article. I absolutely appreciate this site. Thanks!

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