Money and Spirituality Coexist In Harmony

The truth is, money and spirituality coexist. As the primary tool of currency in modern life, it’s time to fully integrate our beliefs on both sides of the coin. In other words, we serve ourselves best when we step away from old beliefs that are no longer serving us. For instance, many people believe that money is the root of all evil. I believe that money provides freedom. You see, I know that my life has greater opportunities when I have more money to mindfully use as a tool to serve my spiritually driven principles. If you think that you may be getting in your own way when it comes down to your own economic stability, this article is for you. Remember, as with all things, abundance begins with your mindset. Therefore, when spirituality is very important to you, money seamlessly holds a place in that ecosystem. Quit stealing from yourself. 

Energetic Currency

The common thought is typically either I have enough money, or I don’t. The thing is, once we remove the emotions and value-judgments that stem from assessing our current economic status, we create space to see clearly. It’s time to distance from the idea that we are ever lacking in any way. Money is a tool. It is nothing more, and nothing less. Undoubtedly, it provides many benefits and can resolve many of the challenges that life presents. Yet, when we overly focus on money, we get into our own way. It is okay to want things and to even develop a positive opinion of money. We support ourselves when we can fully and honestly recognize our money beliefs and behaviors.  Learn to grow spirituality and wealth at the same time.  The cultivation of monetary wealth complements your spiritual life in many ways.  The Universe is abundant. Open yourself to receiving.

Affirmations For Manifesting Wealth

Money and spirituality coexist in my life.

I appreciate the value money has in society.

I appreciate the money I have. 

Money provides the opportunity to explore my spirituality more freely and completely.

I am grateful for any boost in my income.

Today, I allow money to flow into my life as I experience spiritual growth, too.

I am a perfect example of how money and spirituality can coexist.

I am able to enjoy the benefits of wealth and be a very spiritual person at the same time.

My wealth and spirituality are growing simultaneously.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are my attitudes about money? Is my perception of wealth interfering with my ability to create more financial wealth in my life?
2. What are five ways having more money would benefit my desire to be more spiritual?
3. Do I believe that having more money would interfere with my ability to grow spiritually?

For now, take these affirmations and questions into meditation with you. There’s no rush to do anything. In time, old beliefs and behaviors dissolve and you begin to migrate into a whole new level of alignment. In short, your spiritual walk is always one intrinsically steeped in abundance. As a result, you’re exactly where you need to be right now. Take comfort in that and stay open for whatever comes your way.

Embrace Abundance.

Stay Connected. 


Are You Being Guided by Your Intuition or Your Ego?

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