When Your Life Philosophy Is Evident In Your Actions

A good indicator of balanced living is when your life philosophy is evident in your actions. This isn’t to say that you are 100% perfect all the time, but that your authenticity shines through in all that you do. You see, the way that we act, interact, and possibly react to various stimuli is a direct expression of our innermost values. Hence, it’s important to be aware of both. What philosophy are we living by? How do our actions support that? If we can remain true to our beliefs in even the most challenging situations, we have effectively deconditioned ourselves from faulty reactions. For now, let’s look at how to bring it all together. 

It’s Personal

Personally, I wake up every day and recommit myself to be mindful of my conduct and speech. It is my intention to use my behavior wisely and to truly reflect my internal values. Some days, that can feel very trying. Admittedly, life throws curveballs, and sometimes, it would be easier to give in to a spontaneous emotional outburst. Still, I make it a point to keep my cool when I can. Assessing situations with as much non-attachment as I can muster, I’ve learned that it’s usually more productive to take those things into meditation before choosing my response. At the end of the day, that’s really the difference; choosing a mindful response to life versus jumping into an automatic reaction. It takes time. 

Make Your Philosophy Accessible

  1. Get very clear on your life view.
  2. Identify and Understand your philosophy.
  3. Be aware of your habits
  4. Devote time to meditation daily
  5. Don’t compromise your principles for popularity.
  6. Be courageous enough to stand alone, if necessary.
  7. Respond; Don’t React.

Witness Your Actions With Self-Reflection

Self-reflection allows you the space and awareness to identify areas where maybe your automatic conditioning has drifted away from representing your value set. No Worries! Take it easy on yourself when you notice this happening. Make it a point to pull your life back into alignment. Next, identify where the disconnects are and course correct. Take the time that it takes. Figure out what’s happening in those situations. It’s okay to make mistakes. Honestly, it’s really healthy to realize when you do. Afterward, amend your behavior accordingly. With love and self-acceptance, forgive yourself for any disconnects. Then, guide your actions back toward the principles that you cherish. We’re human. Messing up is almost guaranteed. None of our values are perfect, and they don’t have to be. Instead, focus on how to navigate your life with integrity and grace.  As always, a life philosophy is evident when you’re actively connected to the WHY of your choices and behaviors.

Take it into Meditation

For Today, I choose to take time to reflect on my behavior. As such,  I identify my philosophy of life and evaluate my performance by comparing my actions to my personal values. 

Self-Reflection Questions

1. What is my philosophy of life?

2. Are my actions accurate expressions of those beliefs?

3. How does self-reflection help me stay true to myself?

Take it all in Stride

At the end of the day, when your life philosophy is evident in your actions, you bring balance and authenticity with you wherever you go. In other words, you are the heartbeat of your philosophy. Allow it to actively guide your way forward. When necessary, edit either your behavior or your underlying principles when things don’t line up. You are allowed to change. In fact, I recommend that you lean into that as life changes around you every single day. Today, witness yourself living this life with love and curiosity.

Be Authentic.

Stay Connected. 

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