Body image distortion is an issue that isn’t exempt from making its way to the mat. Plainly put, body image is how you view, feel about and experience your body.  Distortions arise when we buy into popular untruths. Remember, we are timeless souls inhabiting temporary bodies, so while body positivityContinue Reading

If you’ve decided to travel a path of yoking and uniting, you serve yourself best by knowing the Ancient Secrets for Giving Without Burnout. Like all things, giving is an action, a lesson, and a sacred process. It’s okay to recognize a few hangups because that’s what we’re doing, right?Continue Reading

Basic yoga poses are common shapes that you will encounter in class. First, understand that some these “basic poses” are often more popular than basic by any means. Next, know that they’re great visuals in demonstrating what you’ll be learning. These poses simply provide inspiration for what your practice mayContinue Reading

Vulnerability is a part of being human. Let’s pause to examine that. As we progress through life, self-study leads us face to face with sensitivities created by past sources of hurt. Often, we define vulnerability as an area of weakness. Although, these weaknesses do not mean we are weak. We’reContinue Reading